What inspired you to take over the Life in Calgary Instagram Account?

I love this city, and love the idea of Life in Calgary sharing it through so many unique perspectives! We have such a rich food scene in Calgary, between restaurants, cafes, caterers, farms and small producers – I loved being able to share some of my favourite things.

What do you think is the biggest surprise about Calgary for anyone who isn’t familiar with the city?

I’m a bit biased when it comes to our culinary community, but I know people who aren’t familiar with our city are surprised by our incredible restaurant scene—we have such a diverse range of offerings, supported by so many local farmers and producers. And so many talented chefs!

What do you do in your spare time? Favourite Calgary past-time or activity?

I love walking around the city, we have a dog, so I do it every day and I love spending time with friends and family, and love to read, but honestly most of my time even outside of work is spent in the kitchen!

What is your favourite activity to do in Calgary, whereabouts do you go?

I live in Ramsay, which is so close to downtown and the east village, and I love hopping on the bike path in the summertime and going to Sidewalk Citizen and across the bridge to St Patrick’s Island, then looping back home. When things are open, I love walking to the NMC and the Central Library, with perhaps a stop at Village Ice Cream.

Where do you take your friends & family when they visit?

I love taking people to Bar Von der Fels, or to the garden at Rouge or River Cafe, or to Gorilla Whale in Inglewood… and I love going to Dandy for beer and snacks. We have so many great spots in Calgary! and since last fall I’ve brought everyone I could down to the new Central Library! I also love bringing people down to Music Mile—I’m hoping live shows will be back to semi-normal sometime soon!

How has the city influenced who you are or your organization?

Being Calgarian has influenced me greatly! The sense of community, particularly in the food industry, which is so innovative and supportive. Even as a kid, my love of food and cooking was nurtured by events at Calgary Public Libraries and the Calgary Stampede. I love being a food writer out west, when there has historically been a concentration of food (and other) media out in Toronto—it’s a great opportunity to share an Alberta perspective, in terms of food trends, ingredients and people within the industry.

Any tips or advice for Calgary newcomers or those considering a move to Calgary?

I’d advise people to come explore the neighborhoods to find a vibe that fits for them, and follow some of our many social media accounts to get to know the city!

What is a fun fact about Calgary?

I love that we get more sunshine than any other Canadian city! And of course that we have Canada’s first Muslim mayor.

What is your favourite event or festival to attend?

There are so many! I always get caught up in the energy of Stampede and living in Ramsay, right behind Scotsman’s Hill we’re surrounded by it for ten days every year. I also love the Inglewood Night Market, and the Calgary International Film Festival… it has been so strange not having these familiar anchors to bring us through 2020.

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Arts & Culture Attractions Influencer

Meet Julie Van Rosendaal Calgary’s food columnist, professional chef and and cook book author  

Dinner with Julie

Julie Van Rosendaal
Monday, July 27, 2020


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